University is a time for learning but also a chance to explore and have some fun! Looking back, there are definitely some things I wish I would have done before coming to university. Here are some of them:
Join social media
There are many events for first-year students at the beginning of the school year to get involved. There are a ton of opportunities I missed out on because I only followed the Facebook undergraduates' group. To get the whole experience follow Ontario Tech's social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and SnapChat. Make sure to also follow the Student Union and other clubs and societies that may interest you. You can check out the list on the Student Union website. Clubs and societies usually host events for new and interested members. This is a great way to meet new people and socialize!

Start working
I didn’t get a job until my second year of university and I still regret not getting one sooner. It may be tempting to enjoy your last summer as a high school student. After all, senior year is a stressful year and you deserve a break. But a two-month break is a long time to just relax. That’s exactly what I did though. Two months and I can’t even remember what I did that summer, I wish I had spent my time being a bit more productive. It's important to spend your time wisely. Getting a job not only upgrades your skill set, but it also earns you extra cash that can be used towards school-year expenses or to have some fun!
Learn to reference
Referencing can be a pain but it's super important. It's an essential skill you will use in every class. Referencing can be the difference between getting an A or a B. It all takes a bit of practice and knowing how to cite. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. During my first year, I left references to the last minute and lost so many marks for having improper citations. That all could have been easily avoided if I just took a day to familiarize myself with it. Confused about referencing? Check out the library for some tips and tricks.
Have realistic expectations
Things won't always go as you planned but that's alright, you may fail a course, or struggle with a topic but that's okay! You can learn from your mistakes and try again. As long as you give it your all then I promise you will enjoy your time at university!
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