Admissions 101: transcripts

Bria Hughes


What is a transcript? How do I get one? Where do I send it? 

If you find yourself asking these questions, you're not alone. Fortunately, we've come with answers. Keep reading to have your transcript questions answered. 

1. What is a transcript?

An official transcript is a complete record of all academic information from your previous educational institution. These will look different depending on where you are coming from. For example, a college transcript will look different than a high school transcript which will look different than an international reading report card transcript. However, some common elements include:

  • Complete list of courses you took.
  • The final marks you received in those courses.
  • The credit value of the courses you took.
  • Your degree designation (if applicable).

2. How do I get my transcript?

Transcripts are provided by your educational institution. However, these are not the same as your report card. A report card often only has the current term or school year courses listed. While a transcript includes all of the courses you've ever taken during your time at the institution. 

rolling out a long list

Every school has a different process for requesting a transcript, so be sure to review their website. If you're still enrolled in courses, no problem! You can submit an interim transcript until the final version is available. Just make sure you upload the final version after you finish your courses so you can receive your final offer

3. Where do I send my transcript?

Transcripts should be sent directly to us. It's important to note that the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) will not do this for you. You can submit your transcript online using our document submission form or have your school mail them to us. 

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Applying to university can feel overwhelming. Which is a natural response to such a huge step! Fortunately, arming yourself with knowledge is a great way to manage your nerves and keep you well-prepared to take all the necessary actions to become a Ridgeback. 

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