Financing your Education: scholarships at Ontario Tech

Aiden Dufty


Whether you're pursuing a degree in engineering, business, health sciences and more, Ontario Tech has a scholarship program that can help make your educational dreams a reality. With entrance scholarships, major entrance scholarships, and in-course scholarships, there are scholarship opportunities for students at all stages of their academic journey. Check out these opportunities to help cover the cost of your education.

Entrance Scholarships

Entrance scholarships are an excellent opportunity to fund your education before starting your classes. these awards are for recent Canadian secondary school graduates. Student's coming from high school with high grades may qualify for our entrance scholarships. These grades are based on the GPA (grade-point average) of your Top 6 U/M courses.

  • $4,000 - 95  percent or higher
  • $2,000 - 90 to 94.9  percent
  • $1,000 - 85 to 89.9 percent

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Getting good grades in your final year of high school will not only help you get accepted to different schools but also help fund your education. Your last year is more than just waiting to graduate and move on, it's also a chance to earn free money!

Major Entrance Scholarships

Major entrance scholarships are similar to entrance scholarships except they are worth more money. You have to have a certain academic average when applying but it is worth putting in the extra effort because these scholarships will greatly help fund your degree. If you're a Canadian citizen or permanent resident currently enrolled in a full-time program at a Canadian secondary school, then you have the opportunity to apply for the following scholarships:

  • Chancellor's Scholarship—one valued at $36,000 ($9,000 a year for four years).
  • President's Scholarship—two valued at $30,000 each ($7,500 a year for four years).
  • Founder's Scholarship—two valued at $24,000 each ($6,000 a year for four years).

These scholarships are aimed at students with high grades but also who are performing personal demonstrations of excellence, student involvement and volunteer work. 

In-course Scholarships

Scholarships aren't just for incoming students, there are also in-course scholarships for students who already attend the university.  These scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for current students and receive recognition for their hard work and dedication.

In-course scholarships are automatically applied to eligible student accounts at the start of the fall semester each year. Make sure to check out the Student Awards and Financial Aid website to review all the requirements for all scholarships!

  • $1,500 - awarded to students who have achieved a combined GPA of 4.0 or greater from their previous fall and winter semesters
  • $1,000 - awarded to students who have achieved a combined GPA of 3.7 to 3.99 from their previous fall and winter semesters

Scholarships for international students

Ontario Tech recognizes the importance of providing scholarship opportunities for international students so if you're an international student don't worry because there are plenty of awards you can apply for!

Consider checking out our blog on different ways to finance your education specifically towards international students. 

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Donor Awards

If you don't qualify for academic-based scholarships, don't worry! We understand that academic performance can be impacted by financial stress and life circumstances. That’s why we offer several awards that are based on financial needs rather than your GPA. We have so many great scholarships and while it may seem overwhelming it is definitely worth going through and seeing which ones you qualify for.

Ontario Tech offers a range of scholarship opportunities for students at all stages of their academic journey. It's important to not miss out and learn more about all available scholarships that apply to you! 

Want to learn more about all our available scholarships?

Visit our Student Awards and Financial Aid website

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