Course registration: dos and don'ts

Aiden Dufty


Navigating the course registration process can be overwhelming for new students, but with some helpful tips and advice, it can be a smooth experience. Learn the do's and don'ts of course registration from an older student who has been through it all.

Setting realistic goals for your course load

When registering for courses, it's important to set realistic goals for your course load:

1. Consider your workload outside of classes, such as part-time jobs, extracurricular activities and personal commitments.

2. Take into account your strengths and weaknesses in different subjects to determine the appropriate number of courses to take.

3. Avoid overloading yourself with too many challenging courses in one semester, as it can lead to burnout and poor academic performance. On the other hand, don't take too few courses either, as it may prolong your time in college and delay your graduation. Finding a balance and setting realistic goals will help you succeed academically while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Researching courses and professors

Before registering for courses, take the time to research the available options and the professors who will be teaching them. Look for course descriptions, syllabi and reviews from previous students to get an idea of what to expect from each course. Consider your academic interests, career goals and required courses when making your selection.

Creating a backup plan

When registering for courses, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan in case your first-choice classes are full or unavailable. It is important to find courses that fulfill the same requirements or align with your academic interests. Prioritize these backup courses so that you can quickly adjust your schedule if needed.

Additionally, consider adding yourself to waitlists for fully enrolled courses, as spots may open up during the registration period. Having a backup plan ensures that you can still make progress towards your degree even if your initial course selections don't work out.

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Seeking advice from academic advisors

One of the most valuable resources available to you during the course registration process is your academic advisor.  Academic advisors can help with picking courses, understanding your program map, planning your time out properly and more. Academic advising is here to help you throughout your academic journey so don't be afraid to reach out!

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