Why you should get to know your academic advisor

Zahra Mustansir


Academic advising is a great resource in your university life. May it be for developing your educational plan or discovering the next steps of you career, they've got you covered. 

If you don't understand why you need to visit academic advising, let me break it down for you.


Advisors have great expertise and knowledge 

Your advisor can be a key player in your schooling. They have knowledge about clubs, classes, deadlines and other information that can help guide you along your path. They help integrate all these elements so you have a meaningful education.

Two girls discussing

Remember, advisors are here to help you through your university experience. They have different skills and expertise and they're here to provide a confidential environment for you to talk about your situation. 


Tailoring to your interest

The more often you visit your advisor, the more familiar they get with your situation. They can help create educational plans for you, they can help figure out future plans and provide other information.

The more they know about you, the more they can help.

Hand typing on keyboard


Help you stay on the right track

It's easy to get mixed up with your electives. You should visit academic at least once a year to get a degree audit. This makes sure you're not missing anything and you're on the track to graduate.

girl graduating

University can be a confusing time. To help you stay focused, it's important to visit your academic advisor. Book an appointment with your advisor to figure out your next steps. 

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