How your passions can help you find your university

Zahra Mustansir


An article I read claimed how a study found that the top reason people wanted to go to university was because they were passionate about the subject they were studying.

Passion can help you pick out a program to pursue, which will inevitably lead you to find a university that offers the best program for you.

But finding a career for your passion can be hard especially when your passion can’t fit into a textbook or if you just don’t know what it is yet. 

Girl day dreaming at a desk

Finding your passion

The first step is identifying your passion. This really helped me think about what I wanted to do in university and also taught me that its okay to be passionate about multiple things.

Next, find ways to combine those passions with your academics. There are many program available that combine subjects together, for example, Forensic Psychology which combines Crime, Law and Psychology. 

If your passion is outside of the classroom, find out if the university has the right campus clubs and teams for you to join. Doraianna Filippo's story about continuing with her passion and joining the Ontario Tech Varsity Dance Team is sure to get you inspired. 

Group of people playing badminton

Take your time

Even though I'm talking about passions like I've got a university degree on it, I never really had a passion until coming to university.

University can be the place to find your passion. I know so many people who changed their mind about their passion during first year. It took me just a tad bit longer to figure out my passion for helping the environment.

Biology student looking at a sample

Thankfully, some science programs offered by Ontario Tech have similar program maps which allowed me to change my specialization during the end of second year. 

That's why its important to pick a university that can help you transition into other paths so that you can discover your passion. Because let's face it—not everybody gets it right the first time. 

Well, that's all from me folks. Hopefully this post gave you some insight to help you click accept on that offer. Until next time!

Want to see how you can combine your passions with the programs at Ontario Tech? 


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