Student Corner: academic support

Bria Hughes


Welcome back to another episode of Student Corner where we show you the elements of Ontario Tech that you can expect as a student. From career support to health and wellness, you are fully supported as a Ridgeback. In today's episode, we explore the academic support available to you.

1. Academic advising

We offer faculty-specific Academic Advisors to ensure you have the most up-to-date support available. These wonderful experts can help you design your program map, find a suitable course load and support you throughout your degree. 


With drop-in sessions and online chat rooms, your academic-related questions are always within reach. These advisors can also help you find a compatible minor and switch programs if your interests change. 

2. Writing room

The Writing Room is a place on campus (and online) you can visit for writing support. It's a resource at your disposal to enhance your papers and writing skills. You have the opportunity to work with writing specialists and peer tutors who are familiar with the expectations for your assignments and can help guide you through your work. 


The best way to make the most of this service is to come with something written (plus the instructions). Even if you come with only half of the assignment, you can get feedback on what you currently have that may be helpful for finishing the rest. It will also give you the opportunity to make any necessary changes before you've spent all that time finishing it.

3. Nool

Nool is your online resource for writing, math and science, as well as study skills. With videos, worksheets and even a grade calculator, all of this support is just a few clicks away. You can use these resources for when a drop-in session at the writing room isn't possible. Or, if you find yourself unsure of which study technique is best for you. These are always available to you so be sure to take full advantage!

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With all this support, you won't have to cram for exams. You will be well prepared. But, if you ever find you need more one-on-one support, you're in luck!

4. Tutoring

We offer one-on-one tutoring and small group tutoring sessions to support you in challenging classes. For example, you can book a 45-minute long peer tutor session where you can ask questions, get clarification on course content and run your assignment ideas by a student who did well in the course. 

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You can also attend Peer Assisted Study Sessions which are held weekly to review course content in historically challenging courses. 

No matter the topic or support you need, there is always someone ready and willing to help. However, if you ever find you're in need of additional support, check out our Student Accessibility Services

Want to learn more about the support available to you as a student of Ontario Tech?

Check out our Student Corner series!

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