Student Corner: mental health support

Bria Hughes


Welcome back to Student Corner, where we give you an insider's perspective on what it's like to attend Ontario Tech University. Today we'll explore the mental health support and resources available to you as a Ridgeback. School can be a stressful time and with the challenges and responsibilities in your personal life, and it's important to remember that you are not alone—there is always someone around to help!

1. Online resources

With a busy schedule, it's understandable if you find it hard to fit therapy sessions on a regular basis. Fortunately, we have various online mental health resources dedicated to helping you support and attend to your needs. 

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We all experience life in different ways. That is why a one size fits all approach is hardly helpful when it comes to your mental well-being. Whether it is school stress, anxiety, financial concerns or something else, support is available and easily found in one place

2. Peer support

You can always count on your peers at Ontario Tech. Our Mental Health Peer Mentors are available to provide one-on-one support in a less formal way. They are current students who understand the stress of being a university student and have been trained to support you: giphy (1)

  • Emotionally by listening to you.
  • Learn and practice self-care skills.
  • Provide a safe space to practice social skills.

3. Individual sessions

If you would prefer more personalized support, we have several mental health counsellors available. You can book 45-minute sessions with one of our counsellors, who are trained to help you work through whatever challenges you're facing. If beneficial, your counsellor may recommend a program through Ontario Shores (one of our many partners) where you may complete Cognitive or Dialectical Behavioural Therapy programs.

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You and your counsellor will work together to decide how to move forward. 

4. Campus Connected

If you see this logo, this is a person you can reach out to if you need help or just someone to talk to. Campus Connected campusconnected are staff, faculty and students who care about your well-being. They are willing to listen and provide support in the ways that they are able.

So if you see someone with this sticker, button or in their email signature, don't hesitate to reach out. Keeping you connected to your community is one of their goals.

Well-being is not achieved through a single approach. It is often a combination of community support, self-care activities and healthy habits that aid in mental health. Use any and all of these resources if you wish. They are here for you! Being a Ridgeback is more than being a student. It's about being the best version of yourself and there is always someone available to help you achieve that.

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