Admissions 101: application process

Bria Hughes


Welcome to our Admissions 101 series, where we talk about everything and anything admissions related. We're here to help you through the university application process so you can feel confident when that deadline comes around. If you have questions or are looking for information about applying to post-secondary education, then you're in the right place! 

Keep reading to have all your application questions answered:

How do I apply to Ontario Tech?

You can apply to Ontario Tech through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) portal. Theperson facing 3 paths and confused on where to go process and requirements look different depending on what type of applicant you are, so be sure to review your qualifications and situation.

While all these paths can lead to you becoming a Ridgeback, there are different steps and requirements to be mindful of. 

When do I apply?

The deadline to submit your application to any university is January 15, 2024, for current Ontario high school students. However, you can always submit early! Once the applications open in September, you can apply anytime. But be sure to have all your required documents together before hitting submit! For international students, the deadline for International students to apply to our competitive programs is January 31.

Is there a fee to apply?

OUAC allows you to select up to three programs to apply to for a base fee of $150 for domestic students and $156 for international students, but you can apply to additional programs for $50 each. 

How do I check my application status?

You can view the status of your application by logging into the applicant portal using your Ontario Tech student number (100xxxxxx) as your username and birthday (in the format MMDDYY) as your password.


How will I know if you receive my documents?

You can see the documents through the applicant portal with the login credentials outlined above once the account is up and running.  


Who do I contact if I have questions?

If you ever have questions about the application process, you can email us at If you have questions about our school or programs, you can connect with a recruiter one-on-one to get answers—plus, they can book you a personalized tour!

If you're interested in what comes next, check out Admissions 101: offers letters

Want to see what life as a Ridgeback is like to help you decide if Ontario Tech is the place for you?


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