Experiential learning

Aagaman Kulasegaran


At Ontario Tech University, learning extends beyond the traditional confines of the classroom. With a strong emphasis on experiential and work-integrated learning, students are equipped with practical skills and real-world experiences that set them apart in today's competitive job market. Throughout the blog, let's explore the various facets of experiential learning offered at Ontario Tech and let's hear from students who have been part of the experiential learning at Ontario Tech.


There are lots of opportunities for experiential learning at Ontario Tech, catering to a wide range of interests and career paths. One of the most widely known avenues for experiential learning here is through paid co-ops and internships. Imagine getting the chance to work with leading companies in your field, gaining valuable skills, and earning a paycheck, all while still being a student. It’s a win-win situation that not only boosts our resumes but also provides insights into the inner workings of various industries.

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But wait, there’s more! practicum and clinical placements offer hands-on experience in healthcare settings, allowing us to apply theory to practice under the guidance of seasoned professionals. Let's hear from Emma who has previously gotten the chance to experience this,

"My practicum experience shined a light onto my innate capabilities as well as provided an opportunity to learn new strengths that could only be taught away from the classroom. I believe being in the professional environment of your dream career is motivational, yet, gives the chance to learn aspects of your specific career that a general textbook could not. We are shaped by our education, and that involves both learning in and outside the classroom. Having a practicum placement strengthens our interpersonal and intrapersonal skills which are essential to any career path. Practicum enhances our understanding of ourselves as not only students but future employees/employers in our field of choice by making us understand the reality of our dream career paths!" These placements not only enhance our skills but also give us a glimpse into our future careers as healthcare professionals.

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Experiential learning isn’t just limited to the confines of our campus or local community. Thanks to programs like international placements, we have the chance to broaden our horizons and immerse ourselves in different cultures while gaining valuable insights into global industries and markets.

Now, you might be wondering – how do I get started on this experiential learning journey? Well, the first step is to explore the vast opportunities available to us through Ontario Tech’s Career Centre and faculty advisors. From resume-building workshops to networking events, they’re here to guide us every step of the way. So, whether you’re passionate about research, entrepreneurship, or making a difference in your community, there’s an experiential learning opportunity waiting for you at Ontario Tech. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in and embark on this transformative journey together!


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